Search results for: Maternal
Projects & Releases (20)

Mission: I’m Possible
An early detection and intervention programme that has since been scaled-up nationwide by the government and is now known as the Development Support and Learning Support Programme.

Circle of Care
A team of therapists, teachers and health specialists led by social workers that provides a strong support system around children from disadvantaged families.

Superhero Me
A ground-up inclusive arts movement that brings together typically-developing children and children with special needs.

ECHO Framework
Establishes a framework and common standards to optimise the potential of children with special needs by bringing therapy into daily experiences.

Hack Our Play
A co-creation initiative by preschool children, educators, parents and members of the community to design their very own play space.

Turning Challenges to Opportunities
A study that supports the inaugural Early Intervention Conference, a ground-up initiative.

Vital Voices for Vital Years 2
A study that takes stock of the early childhood sector and establishes what more needs to be done.

How We Do School (Inclusion Matters)
A series of nine short films that explore how schools in Finland and British Columbia address diverse learning needs and what Singapore can learn.

Making Every Preschool Inclusive MEPI
Collaborative teams of early childhood educators and early interventionists co-teach children with disabilities in an inclusive setting.

Canossian Circle of Care
A service enhancement across the traditional silos of preschool, early intervention, primary school, special education, and after-school care systems.

The Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development was established to translate critical research to intervention to improve health and developmental outcomes of children in Singapore and beyond.

Mission I’mPossible Two
An in-preschool screening and support programme for children with developmental needs, starting from 2 months old.

A three-pronged approach to build a network of leaders, enhance quality of educator training, and foster collaboration within the sector.

Future-Directed Social Service Agency
A new approach to innovation in social service by investing in new capabilities across Care Corner to develop the ability to be agile and responsive to the changing needs of service users.

Healthy Early Life Moments in Singapore HELMS
A model of care to ‘hack preconception’ by improving mental and metabolic health before pregnancy.

A mental health screening and support programme for caregivers at the challenging point of the child’s diagnosis for developmental needs.
News and Press (0)
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