Mission I’mPossible Two

PAP Community Foundation (PCF), KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) and Lien Foundation have come together to launch Mission I’mPossible 2 (MIP2), a pilot programme that seeks to demonstrate how education, healthcare, and social services can be integrated and delivered within the community, and to provide earlier identification and intervention for children with developmental needs.

Coming a decade after MIP1, which was adapted by the government, renamed as the Development Support and Learning Support Programme, the MIP2 pilot will be launched first in 16 preschools operated by PCF gradually over four years. MIP2 will cost S$12.1 million, of which S$9.27m is funded by the Foundation with the balance funded by PCF and KKH. MIP2 will comprise a combination of initiatives, such as the establishment of a School-based Child Development Unit (SCDU) at PCF with the support of KKH; the Parents’ Circle of Support, a support network run by the preschool’s social workers; and new processes for the universal surveillance and systematic screening of growth and development in children, from as young as 2 months old.

Press Release

PAP Community Foundation
KK Women's and Children's Hospital