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A mental health screening and support programme for caregivers at the challenging point of the child’s diagnosis for developmental needs.
A model of care to ‘hack preconception’ by improving mental and metabolic health before pregnancy.
A series of studies comparing the provision of palliative care across different countries. Published in 2010, 2015 and 2021.
Development of a new AI tool and community intervention programme to detect and manage early signs of depression in seniors
Enabling foreign healthcare staff, a cornerstone of Singapore’s care sector, to pursue higher education.
A lion dance training programme specially-designed for seniors, including those with mobility challenges, by lion dance masters.
Singapore’s first breathlessness ecosystem to help those suffering from chronic breathlessnesses, across 3 hospitals, community rehab, polyclinics and more.
Hack Kopitiam explores how to leverage the ubiquity of coffeeshop as natural community nodes to engage male seniors — a group often less engaged with formal ageing programmes.
A new approach to innovation in social service by investing in new capabilities across Care Corner to develop the ability to be agile and responsive to the changing needs of service users.
The first purpose-built social space for seniors in a local museum, Reunion provides a non-medical intervention that supports the health and well-being of seniors, including those with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
In Seniors Go! we train seniors recruited from various SSAs we work with, in a variety of activities, hobbies, skills and more.
A series of initiatives with the Centre for Healthy Longevity to transform Singapore’s healthcare from reactive ‘sick care’ towards a population health prevention approach, to extend life spent in good health.
A mental health screening and support programme for caregivers at the challenging point of the child’s diagnosis for developmental needs.
A three-pronged approach to build a network of leaders, enhance quality of educator training, and foster collaboration within the sector.
A model of care to ‘hack preconception’ by improving mental and metabolic health before pregnancy.
A masterclass series comprising thought-provoking interviews with eminent doctors on death and dying.
An in-preschool screening and support programme for children with developmental needs, starting from 2 months old.
A next-generation day hospice featuring, among other things, an open bar and a “spalon” for manicures, massages and haircuts.
The Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development was established to translate critical research to intervention to improve health and developmental outcomes of children in Singapore and beyond.
The first graphic novel in Singapore that spotlights the topic of end-of-life and palliative care.
A service enhancement across the traditional silos of preschool, early intervention, primary school, special education, and after-school care systems.
Collaborative teams of early childhood educators and early interventionists co-teach children with disabilities in an inclusive setting.
A quick, contemporaneous account of the first six months of the COVID-19 crisis as seen through the eyes of some of Singapore’s long-term care (LTC) operators.
As societies age and dementia becomes more common, this Index issues a clear call to city-level leaders to help cities learn from each other on how to best manage this great, global challenge to health and social care.
A support programme for newly-diagnosed Persons With Dementia and their caregivers.
A tongue-in-cheek guide, styled like an IKEA catalogue, offering tips and tricks to make the home a friendlier place for Persons With Dementia.
A series of nine short films that explore how schools in Finland and British Columbia address diverse learning needs and what Singapore can learn.
A study that takes stock of the early childhood sector and establishes what more needs to be done.
A visual arts exhibition that took an unvarnished look at the grit, grace, challenges and rewards of caring for people with special needs, mental illness and frail or ill elderly.
A 232-page research report which throws light on the state of formal centre-based and home-based care for seniors in Singapore, acknowledges strengths, showcases innovations, identifies unmet needs and suggests recommendations.
A research study that shows how long term care workers in Singapore are dogged by low pay and limited prospects, via comparison to care workers in four other fast-ageing Asia-Pacific economies – Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and South Korea.
A study that supports the inaugural Early Intervention Conference, a ground-up initiative.
A book on how unused and underused spaces in land-scarce Singapore can be repurposed to create thriving communities for seniors.
Software-as-a-service to help community care providers deliver Person-Centred Care to their clients and families.
A commemorative project that heralds 50 years since the founding of modern hospice movement in the UK led by Dame Cicely Saunders.
A co-creation initiative by preschool children, educators, parents and members of the community to design their very own play space.
This 10-part series of short films and articles highlights the rich diversity of services for seniors in Japan – which has the world’s oldest population – and what fast ageing Singapore can learn from them.
A documentary that followed TV host and caregiver Anita Kapoor who volunteered to spend two weeks in a Singapore nursing home.
Establishes a framework and common standards to optimise the potential of children with special needs by bringing therapy into daily experiences.
A 130-page study released in Oct 2016 that examines best practices, concerns and policy choices for nursing home care in Singapore at a time when more homes are being built than ever before.
A cost report on an alternative model of nursing homes comprising only single or double-bedded rooms.
A series of studies comparing the provision of palliative care across different countries. Published in 2010, 2015 and 2021.
Singapore’s first campaign to build a dementia-friendly community where hawkers, bus drivers, cashiers and others were trained to support Persons With Dementia.
A chain of 30 senior-friendly gyms that tackles physical frailty via a structured strength training programme.
A ground-up inclusive arts movement that brings together typically-developing children and children with special needs.
Teaching tools for medical students and healthcare professionals to navigate medical ethics.
An arts programme that provokes end-of-life conversations among healthcare professionals, caregivers and the public.
A design blueprint on how Singapore can develop the next generation of in-patient hospices.
Design for Death was an international competition in 2013 that aimed to use design innovations to improve the way in which we say goodbye. The brief for the competition, which drew entries from designers, artists and architects across the globe, was to “re-imagine and re-design” deathcare.
An international training programme that helps Asian countries develop palliative care capabilities and capacity.
A team of therapists, teachers and health specialists led by social workers that provides a strong support system around children from disadvantaged families.
An early detection and intervention programme that has since been scaled-up nationwide by the government and is now known as the Development Support and Learning Support Programme.
A programme that equips Asian scientists and researchers from South and Southeast Asian countries with the skills and resources to tackle challenges related to water and sanitation in their home countries.
An academic centre that advances research and education of palliative care in Singapore and the region.
A series of advocacy campaigns to raise public awareness about end-of-life issues.