Post Diagnostic Support

Supports newly-diagnosed Persons With Dementia and their caregivers
Started at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) and Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)
Now scaled up by government to all public hospitals
Develop customised care plans for newly-diagnosed Persons With Dementia and provide dedicated caseworker for a year.
The aftermath of a dementia diagnosis is confusing and overwhelming. Post Diagnostic Support (PDS) alleviates the uncertainties that Persons with Dementia and their caregivers face by providing them with information, care coordination, counselling and a customised care plan factoring in the patient’s needs, wishes and family circumstances.
It is manned by a multidisciplinary, full-time team comprising a nurse, psychologist, social worker, occupational therapist, social work associate, care coordinators, as well as a part-time physician with special interest in dementia. Caregivers are trained to facilitate peer support groups.
The four-year programme is delivered by Dementia Singapore.