
The first purpose-built social space for seniors in a local museum, Reunion provides a non-medical intervention that supports the health and well-being of seniors, including those with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
While seemingly distant from the work of eldercare, the cultural heritage sector is a natural ally in the important mission of supporting an ageing population. What is perceived to be heritage today is, in fact, the childhood and shared experiences of seniors. The sector owns precious assets that connect and renew communities, often when little else does. Heritage strengthens human health and potential, because these come more easily when one has identity and a sense of belonging. Opened to the public in April 2023, Reunion aligns with the government’s strategic roadmaps for healthcare (i.e., the 2023 Action Plan for Successful Ageing) and heritage (i.e., Our SG Heritage Plan). In developing Reunion, the National Museum of Singapore referred to the UK’s experience, where a number of museums offer social prescription programmes for seniors. The 290 sqm Reunion space comprises a group activity space, an immersive projection cave, a Quiet Room, music booths, and a café. A variety of on-site programmes are conducted in collaboration with partner organisations such as nursing homes and Active Ageing Centre operators.