Starting Well Index

Governments that place a premium on preschool education practise smart economics. Research shows that preschool education is one of the most effective development tools that deliver substantial social and economic ROI (return on investment) for countries. Children are our most precious assets and we must not squander their most formative years on mediocre preschool programmes.
The Starting Well Index assesses the extent to which governments provide a good, inclusive early childhood educational environment for children between the ages of three and six. In particular, it considers the relative availability, affordability and quality of such preschool environments. We commissioned The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) to rank preschool provision across 45 countries, encompassing the OECD and major emerging markets. Singapore came in 29th of 45 countries. Nordic countries emerge top, with New Zealand (9th) and South Korea (10th) leading in the Asia Pacific. To accompany this data-driven research, the EIU interviewed experts around the world and reviewed existing research to assess major developments, obtain guidance on good practices, and highlight key issues to address.