Lien Centre for Palliative Care

An academic centre at the Duke-NUS Medical School
Quality research relevant to policy makers and practitioners
Quality palliative care education at the generalist level to meet the growing service needs
The Lien Centre for Palliative Care's mission is to be a world-class centre of excellence in palliative care research and education
Established in 2008, the Lien Centre for Palliative Care (LCPC) has garnered over S$4 million in competitive grants, published over 207 peer-reviewed academic publications, has ongoing collaborations in 10 countries in the region, developed course content and trained more than 5,500 individuals.
LCPC studies the clinical, social and cultural aspects of palliative care in Singapore and the region and aims to use its research findings to improve the delivery of care services for the terminally ill. It also focuses on education, aiming to build up a healthcare workforce with the skills to impart palliative care at a time when the demand for such care is set to explode.
Key research projects include the Quality of Death and Dying 2021 (cross-country comparison and rankings), Asian Patient Perspectives Regarding Oncology Awareness, Care, and Health (APPROACH) and ACP.